Aus bestem Hause.
Philosophie ist manchmal ein irreführendes Wort um Herangehensweisen zu einem Thema zu beschreiben. Wir sollten in diesem Falle eher sagen: Konsequenz!
Denn genau das zeichnet eine VIMBERG aus. Konsequente Umsetzung aus feinsten Zutaten.
Basierend auf einem Knowhow von über anderthalb Dekaden vom Marktführer in der Verwendung von Lautsprecherchassis mit Diamant- und Keramikmembranen.
Das Ergebnis? Glasklar. Dynamisch. Involvierend.
Eben aus bestem Hause: VIMBERG.

VIMBERG™ speakers are praised as incredible good looking. But all beauty is meaningless if it bases on an empty shell. VIMBERG™ speakers provide state of the art engineering and construction and are designed and engineered to perfection – aside of marketing fairy tales. There is only one way to prove excellence of speaker engineering: measurements! Why is that? Easy: flaws in the construction, such as resonances of the cabinet, a bad implementation of the drivers and impedance drops which give amplifiers a hard life, just to name here a few, can be measured – and therefore detected and shall be avoided. Simply, because sooner or later the ear will detect it and the user addresses that with flaws in sound.

The construction is the most essential basic for all what follows after that. For example any kind of part quality is close to meaningless if it bases on a compromised design. VIMBERG™ is using some of the most advanced software to support the design of each speaker, for example the extensively braced low-noise cabinets or the complicated crossover designs. From the outside observed all speakers being a cabinet equipped with drivers seem to be often similar in construction, the truth is the inside makes a difference of night and day, since therein lays the DNA of every speaker. The DNA of how much the brand takes care and what it can do, and the DNA how satisfied and happy the owner will be later.

Each VIMBERG™ went thru the process of choosing the best materials for it. The VIMBERG™ cabinets are made out of waterproof fibreboard material, compressed after a blow-line-resin coating and are covered with spectacular glossy polyester real piano lacquer to seal it – and as side product let it appear extremely noble. The drivers do use diaphragms made out of aluminum sandwich, ceramic and diamond from the noble driver supplier Accuton. The crossovers do use for e.g. exclusively foil capacitors, air core inductors and come all from the noble suppliers Duelund and Mundorf. Not enough, all metal parts are being milled out of a complete block aluminum and do underline our approach.